5 Examples of Jemi Interaction Descriptions that Sell

Sameer Rao
4 min readOct 12, 2020


When creating your Jemi page, it’s important to look at the style you’re using when writing descriptions. The description you’re using could mean the difference between a selling interaction and just an interaction. In this blog post, we’ll be looking at 5 selling Jemi descriptions that will make your Jemi profile a winner.

1. Specificity is supreme!

Notice how Bumblefoot includes dates and numbers in his interactions

When designing your interactions, the more details and information you provide, the more likely you are to make a sale! Check out how Bumblefoot does this–Bumblefoot ensures that his descriptions have the date, time, and length of the interaction so that supporters understand the full extent of the interaction before purchasing. Another great creator who does this is Jonathan Joss with his awesome Spice Blend descriptions. Jemi interactions that lack particular information often lend themselves to “abandoned shopping carts”–an e-commerce term that describes a customer who is a few clicks away from pulling the trigger on a purchase but doesn’t. Oftentimes the cause of “abandoned shopping carts” is lack of details on a purchase, which limits the customer’s willingness to buy. For Jemi creators, we highly recommend providing all the details you can on an interaction so your supporters will feel as comfortable as possible when they want to purchase one of your interactions.

2. Put your personality in the description!

Joon Lee doesn’t hesitate to show his personality in descriptions

Jemi isn’t LinkedIn! We want you to showcase your personality to fans in your descriptions! Joon Lee uses light comedy–“if i’m feeling cute or wateva”–in his descriptions to almost tell his fans “hey, this is me and my Jemi profile!” Supporters may recognize you from another platform such as Instagram, TikTok, or Youtube, so be sure to show them that this Jemi page is really yours! This can be in the form of light-hearted jokes, terminology that your fans will understand, or even an external link to a Jemi interaction explanation video (especially if you’re a Youtuber!). Simply put, be yourself!

3. Entice with additional benefits

This creator offers never-before-seen prints as an extra incentive to supporters

Sellers include extra incentives in their products all the time to get a buy. Have you ever been walking through Walmart and see a giant “Buy 1 Get 1 Free” sign? That’s an incentive! Jemi creators can do the same by offering additional benefits to the supporter in interactions. This can come in all sorts of forms whether it’s giving the supporter an autograph or offering them a personalized video of appreciation. Be as creative as you’d like! Economists have proven that incentives make it easier for the supporter to come to terms with the decision to purchase an interaction. So offering incentives can lend you to more sales!

4. Clearly state the outcome of an interaction

Photographer Sam Hurd says that supporters can expect 100–200+ new followers

When writing your interactions, providing the outcome of such interaction is an effective way to persuade supporters to purchase your interaction! To supporters, purchasing an interaction can feel like a risk that may deter their decision. Giving supporters information on what they can expect to happen as a result of the interaction will push them towards deciding to purchase that interaction as they will have a full picture on what is to come. Sam Hurd, for his Instagram Story shoutout, specifically says that supporters can expect 100 to 200 new followers. We highly encourage including the outcome in the descriptions of your interactions!

5. Appeal to supporters with keywords

Sean Whalen includes key words like “personalized” and “limited edition” in interactions

One of the best implicit ways of making a sale is to use intentional keywords in your description. The words we use are a powerful yet often unrealized way to convert on a sale. Studies in behavioral economics have revealed that particular words can engage supporters’ primal instinct and thus increase the chance at making a sale. So, here are a list of key words to include in your Jemi interaction descriptions that will help you make a sale:

  • “You”
  • “personalize” or “customize”
  • “limited edition”
  • “guarantee”
  • “new” or “innovative”
  • And, of course, “free”

And that’s it! These changes are quick and easy to make but will certainly improve your Jemi profile and chance at making a sale with a supporter. If you have another way that you write your Jemi descriptions, we would love to hear it! Please feel free to reach out to us at assistant@jemi.app and tell us all about it. Till next time…



Sameer Rao

Sharing experiences and strategic analysis of products/companies